
9 min read

This was 🤯 to find out that tidyr is an anagram of dirty and if we allow multi words anagrams, Mara cracked the hidden message in naming of the (not enough known) multidplyr 📦.

This was enough to get my attention, and change some hours of my week end. A few commits later, there you have an anagram package with an eponym function.

# devtools::install_github("romainfrancois/anagram")
anagram( "python" )
## [1] "phyton" "python" "typhon"
anagram( "art" )
## [1] "art" "rat" "tar" "tra"

As a first attempt, the package only deals with single words anagrams, so it would not have revealed my dull trip but I guess there are still some interesting things in the way it is setup.

What do you read, my lord? Words, words, words

The first thing is to get the list of english words, I have used the dwyl/english-words repo on github. The original link it uses as a source lands on a Not Found page so I might have to look for an alternative source later, but for now this will do.

I’ve ingested the data in the alpha_words tibble in the package, just because there is a stringr::words I did not want to 🤼 with.

words_alpha <- read_lines("")

alpha_words <- tibble(
  word = words_alpha,
  size = nchar(word),
  first = substr(word, 1, 1)

use_data(alpha_words, overwrite = TRUE)

Making the first and size columns for later use to easily group by the number of characters and the first letter. By the way, the file only contains [:alpha:] characters, so no 🤔 about hard string stuff like encoding and locale, we can stay in ascii, this simplifies things for later.

In the data-raw I’ve also created an internal data set with a slightly different structure.

empties <- tibble(
  first = letters,
  words = map(letters, ~character(0))

words_internal <- alpha_words %>%
  group_by(size, first) %>%
  summarise( words = list(word) ) %>%
  nest() %>%
    data = map( data, ~ {
      anti_join( empties, .x, by = "first") %>%
        bind_rows(.x) %>%

use_data( words_internal, internal = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)

This tibble has one line per word size, and for each of these sizes, the list column data is a list column of tibbles.

## # A tibble: 29 x 2
##     size data             
##    <int> <list>           
##  1     1 <tibble [26 × 2]>
##  2     2 <tibble [26 × 2]>
##  3     3 <tibble [26 × 2]>
##  4     4 <tibble [26 × 2]>
##  5     5 <tibble [26 × 2]>
##  6     6 <tibble [26 × 2]>
##  7     7 <tibble [26 × 2]>
##  8     8 <tibble [26 × 2]>
##  9     9 <tibble [26 × 2]>
## 10    10 <tibble [26 × 2]>
## # ... with 19 more rows
pluck( anagram:::words_internal, "data", 5 )
## # A tibble: 26 x 2
##    first words        
##    <chr> <list>       
##  1 a     <chr [1,173]>
##  2 b     <chr [1,141]>
##  3 c     <chr [1,196]>
##  4 d     <chr [801]>  
##  5 e     <chr [421]>  
##  6 f     <chr [684]>  
##  7 g     <chr [737]>  
##  8 h     <chr [571]>  
##  9 i     <chr [301]>  
## 10 j     <chr [260]>  
## # ... with 16 more rows

Each of these tibbles have exactly 26 rows (one for each letter) and the list column words contains all the words that start with the associated letter. The reason for such a convoluted data structure (which btw is still a perfectly valid tibble) is speed, we want to limit the number of words we consider when we hunt for anagramness. For example, here are the 13 letter words that start with the letter “j”.

filter( anagram:::words_internal, size == 13) %>% 
  pluck("data", 1) %>% 
  filter( first == "j") %>% 
  pluck( "words", 1)
##  [1] "jabberwockian" "jacamaralcyon" "jacobinically" "jacobitically"
##  [5] "jansenistical" "jargonisation" "jargonization" "jatrorrhizine"
##  [9] "jawbreakingly" "jeewhillijers" "jeewhillikens" "jeffersonians"
## [13] "jejunectomies" "jejunoileitis" "jejunostomies" "jellification"
## [17] "jellylikeness" "jennerization" "jerahmeelites" "jerrybuilding"
## [21] "jitterbugging" "jobbernowlism" "jocoseriosity" "johnsonianism"
## [25] "jointlessness" "jollification" "jonvalization" "journeyworker"
## [29] "jovicentrical" "judaeophilism" "judaistically" "judgmatically"
## [33] "judicializing" "judiciousness" "juggernautish" "juglandaceous"
## [37] "juicelessness" "juncaginaceae" "jurisdictions" "jurisprudence"
## [41] "jusquaboutist" "justiciarship" "justification" "justificative"
## [45] "justificatory" "juxtalittoral" "juxtaposition" "juxtapositive"
## [49] "juxtatropical"

We could easily get the same information from the alpha_words dataset, e.g.

filter( anagram::alpha_words, size == 13, substr(word, 1, 1) == "j") %>% 
##  [1] "jabberwockian" "jacamaralcyon" "jacobinically" "jacobitically"
##  [5] "jansenistical" "jargonisation" "jargonization" "jatrorrhizine"
##  [9] "jawbreakingly" "jeewhillijers" "jeewhillikens" "jeffersonians"
## [13] "jejunectomies" "jejunoileitis" "jejunostomies" "jellification"
## [17] "jellylikeness" "jennerization" "jerahmeelites" "jerrybuilding"
## [21] "jitterbugging" "jobbernowlism" "jocoseriosity" "johnsonianism"
## [25] "jointlessness" "jollification" "jonvalization" "journeyworker"
## [29] "jovicentrical" "judaeophilism" "judaistically" "judgmatically"
## [33] "judicializing" "judiciousness" "juggernautish" "juglandaceous"
## [37] "juicelessness" "juncaginaceae" "jurisdictions" "jurisprudence"
## [41] "jusquaboutist" "justiciarship" "justification" "justificative"
## [45] "justificatory" "juxtalittoral" "juxtaposition" "juxtapositive"
## [49] "juxtatropical"

But the way words_internal is structured makes it faster and easier to access internally (for example in C++).

The R function

Most of the code is in the C++ layer, the R function anagram is just a front end for things that are not worth doing in C++. It starts by forcing lower case and rejecting anything that is not made of letters in the a-z range.

Then it extracts from words_internal the words of the same size as the target word.

#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_lower str_detect str_split
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @importFrom purrr pluck
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
anagram <- function(word){
  word <- str_to_lower(word)
  assert_that(!str_detect(word, "[^a-z]"))

  words <- filter( words_internal, size == nchar(word) ) %>%
    pull(data) %>%
    pluck(1, "words")

  anagram_get( word, words )

The C++ function

The associated C++ function anagram_get takes the target word and the list of potential anagrams words and returns a std::vector<std::string>. The choice of a container from the STL rather than a simple Rcpp::CharacterVector is because we don’t know in advance the size, and Rcpp vectors are not meant to change size, they can but it’s too expensive.

std::vector<std::string> anagram_get( String word, List words ){
  const char* s = word.get_cstring() ;
  int n = LENGTH(word.get_sexp()) ;

We start by extracting the C string and its length, see this post for why it uses LENGTH.

Next we allocate some data structures.

  // counting how many times each letter from 'a' to 'z' appears in the word
  std::array<int, 128> counts ;
  std::fill( std::begin(counts), std::end(counts), 0 ) ;
  for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
    counts[ s[i] ]++ ;
  std::array<bool,128> seen ;
  std::fill( std::begin(seen), std::end(seen), false ) ;

The idea is to count how many times each letter occurs in the target word, so that we can compare these counts with the counts from the candidate anagrams. This is what the counts array does. This uses an array of size 128, which is enough for holding any ascii character. We could use an array of size 26 because all we care about is the lower case letters from a to z, but that would mean we would have to constantly substract the value of 'a'.

Rcpp::evalCpp( "(int)'a'" )
## [1] 97

If we had used a 26 size array, we would have counts[ s[i] - 'a' ]++ ;, and the -'a' would also feature in many other places. I have not benchmarked, I can live with using a bit more memory for simpler code.

Then, the results vector, where we will collect the anagrams.

  std::vector<std::string> results ;

Then, we have a loop over the characters of the target word, each of the letters of the word might be a the first letter of the anagrams. If it contains the same letter several times, we only want to collect once words that start with the letter, this is where the seen array is used.

  for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
    char c = s[i] ;

    // skip if we have already seen this as the first letter
    if( seen[c] ) continue ;
    seen[c] = true ;

Now that we know the first letter, we can extract the words that start with it from the words parameter, remember this comes from the words_internal weird structure we made in data-raw/.

    // words that start with the c character
    // -'a' to align "a" with the first element of the list
    CharacterVector all_words = words[c - 'a'] ;

The last piece is when everything fits together. For each candidate word, we essentially compare occurence of its letters against the counts of the target word.

First, we copy the counts, then for each character we decrement its count, if at any time, we have a negative count, it means that the candidate have a character that is not in the target, so we give up. If on the other hand, we survive the loop, it means that the candidate contains exactly the same characters as the target, but in a different order, guess what, we have an anagram.

    std::for_each( std::begin(all_words), std::end(all_words), [&counts, n, &results](auto st){
      // copy the counts into a local array
      std::array<int,128> local_counts ;
      std::copy( std::begin(counts), std::end(counts), std::begin(local_counts) ) ;

      // For every character in the current word, we
      // decrement its count in the `local_counts` array
      // if at any point we get a negative count it means
      // that the current word is not an anagram of the target word
      const char* w = CHAR(st) ;
      for(int j=0; j<n; j++, w++){
        if( --local_counts[*w] < 0 ) return ;

      // if we survive the loop, we have an anagram
      results.push_back( std::string(st) ) ;
    }) ;

Full C++ code

Just in case it changes in the repo, here is the full code for the C++ function.

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
#include <array>

// [[Rcpp::export]]
std::vector<std::string> anagram_get( String word, List words ){
  const char* s = word.get_cstring() ;
  int n = LENGTH(word.get_sexp()) ;

  // counting how many times each letter from 'a' to 'z' appears in the word
  std::array<int, 128> counts ;
  std::fill( std::begin(counts), std::end(counts), 0 ) ;
  for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
    counts[ s[i] ]++ ;
  std::array<bool,128> seen ;
  std::fill( std::begin(seen), std::end(seen), false ) ;

  std::vector<std::string> results ;

  for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
    char c = s[i] ;

    // skip if we have already seen this as the first letter
    if( seen[c] ) continue ;
    seen[c] = true ;

    // words that start with the c character
    // -'a' to align "a" with the first element of the list
    CharacterVector all_words = words[c - 'a'] ;

    std::for_each( std::begin(all_words), std::end(all_words), [&counts, n, &results](auto st){
      // copy the counts into a local array
      std::array<int,128> local_counts ;
      std::copy( std::begin(counts), std::end(counts), std::begin(local_counts) ) ;

      // For every character in the current word, we
      // decrement its count in the `local_counts` array
      // if at any point we get a negative count it means
      // that the current word is not an anagram of the target word
      const char* w = CHAR(st) ;
      for(int j=0; j<n; j++, w++){
        if( --local_counts[*w] < 0 ) return ;

      // if we survive the loop, we have an anagram
      results.push_back( std::string(st) ) ;
    }) ;


  return results ;