0.8.1   2010-06-08

    o   This release adds Rcpp modules. An Rcpp module is a collection of
        internal (C++) functions and classes that are exposed to R. This
        functionality has been inspired by Boost.Python.
        Modules are created internally using the RCPP_MODULE macro and
        retrieved in the R side with the Module function. This is a preview 
        release of the module functionality, which will keep improving until
        the Rcpp 0.9.0 release. 

        The new vignette "Rcpp-modules" documents the current feature set of
        Rcpp modules.
    o   The new vignette "Rcpp-package" details the steps involved in making a
        package that uses Rcpp.

    o   The new vignette "Rcpp-FAQ" collects a number of frequently asked
        questions and answers about Rcpp.

    o   The new vignette "Rcpp-extending" documents how to extend Rcpp
        with user defined types or types from third party libraries. Based on
        our experience with RcppArmadillo
    o   Rcpp.package.skeleton has been improved to generate a package using 
        an Rcpp module, controlled by the "module" argument

    o   Evaluating a call inside an environment did not work properly
    o   cppfunction has been withdrawn since the introduction of the more
        flexible cxxfunction in the inline package (0.3.5). Rcpp no longer
        depends on inline since many uses of Rcpp do not require inline at
        all. We still use inline for unit tests but this is now handled
        locally in the unit tests loader runTests.R. 

        Users of the now-withdrawn function cppfunction can redefine it as:
           cppfunction <- function(...) cxxfunction( ..., plugin = "Rcpp" )

    o   Support for std::complex was incomplete and has been enhanced.

    o   The methods XPtr<T>::getTag and XPtr<T<::getProtected are deprecated, 
        and will be removed in Rcpp 0.8.2. The methods tag() and prot() should
        be used instead. tag() and prot() support both LHS and RHS use. 

    o   END_RCPP now returns the R Nil values; new macro VOID_END_RCPP
        replicates prior behabiour